Our Managing Director Answers Quick-Fire Questions

Our Managing Director Answers Quick-Fire Questions

This month we thought it would be good to catch up with our Managing Director Laura Thomas, to talk all things branding, trust with clients, to favourite marketing campaigns. We absolutely loved watching the Olympics in Monitor HQ, and Laura discussed her love for the Paralympics marketing campaign this year.

What is your favourite type of project to work on?

I really enjoy working on rebranding/new brand projects. There’s something incredibly rewarding about helping a client redefine or develop their brand, capture their evolving identity, and translate it into a cohesive strategy and design that resonates with their audience. Seeing that transformation come to life is always exciting, as we also work with clients to develop their website and marketing strategy. They are always fun and rewarding projects to work on. 

What marketing campaigns have caught your eye this year?

One campaign that really impressed me this year is the lead-up to the Paris 2024 Paralympics. The way they’ve spotlighted athletes as not just competitors but as extraordinary individuals overcoming incredible challenges has been inspiring. The campaign’s emphasis on inclusion, strength, and diversity is both empowering and emotional. What stands out is the use of storytelling that shifts the narrative from focussing solely on disability to celebrating human resilience and achievement. The vibrant visuals, personal stories, and community-driven message have created a buzz that’s engaging global audiences and positioning the event as a celebration of ability in all its forms. 

What’s the most important factor in a successful client-agency relationship?

Trust is the foundation of a successful client-agency relationship. When clients view us as strategic partners, it fosters open collaboration, encourages creativity, and leads to stronger results. While clear communication is essential, it’s the trust that empowers both sides to take bold steps, explore new ideas, and create work that’s truly impactful.

Make sure to let us know if there are any other members of the Monitor team you would like to hear from! In the meantime, check out our LinkedIn to see what we get up to in the office each week. 

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